Friday, January 21, 2011

Gap Logo

I was going to wait until tomorrow, or at least later tonight to make another post. But this is kind of ridiculous. For those who don't know, the clothing brand Gap tried to update their identity and got a new logo. It wasn't well-received to say the least. The new logo was such a failure that the company reverted to their original logo and pretended the whole thing never happened.
The logo we're used to

The new piece of hipster trash

I personally like the old one much better, and I never liked it that much to begin with. To make matters worse, a website hosted a redesign contest, showing how much better their logo could have been.

Check out the entries at but be warned, there are a lot of them. Some of them are very good, I like 51 and 55, others are complete ass, see 75.


  1. The redesigned one looks like a computer software logo

  2. Not sure I would have gotten rid of the iconic logo for that. Why not improve the quality of clothes instead?

  3. Agreed. The New/old logo is hideous. Like 90's Microsoft or something. Yuck!

  4. both of them are incredibly plain. The old one is cosmically shitty though

  5. Rather than a complete overhaul, it could have been refined, keeping the similarity to the old while adding something fresh for the new.

  6. The new logo looked like a crappy accountancy firm.

  7. The new one looks like three minutes in mspaint tops. Gosh.
    Following and supporting!

  8. Caps lock is old school apparently =\

    Following and Supporting

  9. They should make one using Comic Sans

  10. LOL. the logo contest site has some interesting ones.
