Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osama is dead, blog isn't.

However, this is a criminally short post made for the sole purpose of whoring out my t-shirt designs.

More coming later.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

HP + Daft Punk Interface

These are just way too cool for me to pass up. James White just posted these test images he made a while back. To quote the man himself on the project,
"Here are some test images I did for a job a while back. The mighty Psyop hired me to create some interface mock-ups for the new (at the time) HP touch computer for use in a television ad featuring Daft Punk onstage. The idea was to create some abstract shapes and color which would be put to motion as Daft Punk manipulated the shapes to trigger music during a performance.
Even though the idea was super cool, it was unfortunately one of those projects that didn’t see the light of day. I was involved early in the pitch stage and the project was either abandoned, or a different concept was picked which is quite common in the turbulent land of advertising. Either way, it was fun to work on and I wanted to post these mock-ups to show the early stages of conceptual when dealing with a television ad."

It's a shame these never came to production, but that's the way of the design world.

Friday, February 25, 2011


UK based designer Pete Harrison, also known as Aeiko, just released his new design blog, called Duoform. Go check it out, though there isn't a whole lot of content on it just yet.

Also, don't forget about his official website, where he has more of his work and some is available for purchase.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Hellboy Illustration Tutorial

Learn how to make the poster shown above (and a slightly different version) using only Adobe Illustrator! It's a fairly advanced tutorial, but they take you step-by-step on this one. If you have illustrator, give this one a shot, it teaches a lot of techniques you may not have known.

Friday, February 18, 2011

How to make a Daft Punk Helmet

Well, it's not so much of a tutorial, as it may seem, but it's a cool video nonetheless. Plus I gotta give a shout out to my man Volpin. I can't say we're best friends, but we're acquaintances. Either way, check it out. And you should see some of the other props that he does. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Retro Drawings by HBT

Here's a quick one.
Some great and unique drawings by HBT. They're a blast from the past if you were around in the 80's.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Not Dead and Valentines!

It's been a while since I updated, a lot of stuff was going on last week. I'd get more into detail, but that's not what this blog is about.

Here are some free Printable Valentines you can give to that special someone, or someone who can't take a hint. Courtesy of
More of each set in the link.